Ever wanted visitors to specify a preference based on location? For example a trade show booth, a space in a parking lot or seats at a theater or restaurant. Or maybe you just want to present an interactive floorplan where visitor can get information based on the element they interact with.
Floorplans offers a lightweight and flexible solution. Simply drag & drop elements on any background image and then add a shortcode anywhere you like to publish it.
You get an interactive floorplan on the front-end, that you can zoom in/out, move (pan), switch to fullscreen or even view in 3D-ISO projection. Try it!
Easy Drag & Drop Builder
The builder is realized in the native WordPress Gutenberg page editor. No need to install additional plugins.
Lightweight Front-End
Floorplan views have a small footprint, which guarantees fast loading times.
Responsive: the initial zoom level will automatically adjust to the available space and your background size, so that it is visible in its entirety. No matter the screen size, platform and orientation.
3D isometric view: fully functional and may help to increase customer engagement.
All default settings can be adjusted per individual floorplan representation with extra shortcode arguments.
Depending on you needs and workflow, Floorplans can be easily upgraded to include features like tooltips, 3d iso view, automation, integration tools for your webshop etc.
Multilanguage support
NoSQL, Small Footprint
Floorplan introduces its own post type where all data is stored – NoSQL: it does not create its own table(s) in your WordPress database.
Αυτό το πρόσθετο παρέχει 1 μπλοκ.
- Floorplan
- Install Floorplans Lite either via the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the files to your server. (See instructions on how to install a WordPress plugin)
- Activate Floorplans Lite on de Plugins page.
Συχνές Ερωτήσεις
How can I activate a floorplan and get the users choice to the server?
Create a form on a page with a submit button and add to the form the floorplan shortcode with the type parameter set to either checkbox or radio ([read more](https://wpfloorplans.com
/faq/activate)). -
Does Floorplans work with form builder plugins, like the WPForms?
Yes, you can add a shortcode in the builder of most form plugins, including WPForms. However, it may be necessary to add some additional code to ensure data handling on the server side ([read more](https://wpfloorplans.com
/faq/formbuilders)). -
Can elements be made to appear differenty in view mode then in e.g. radio mode?
Yes, the mode is added to the class list of the floorplans, so you can use this in your CSS ([read more](https://wpfloorplans.com
/faq/elements-appearance)). -
Can I use SVG as background?
Yes you can. In fact, the background used in the example on the homepage is an SVG. However, WordPress Media Library support for SVG is not enabled by default. You can enable it in the setting menu of Floorplans ([read more](https://wpfloorplans.com
Δεν υπάρχουν αξιολογήσεις για αυτό το πρόσθετο.
Συνεισφέροντες & Προγραμματιστές
“Floorplans – Lite” είναι λογισμικό ανοιχτού κώδικα. Οι παρακάτω έχουν συνεισφέρει στη δημιουργία του.
ΣυντελεστέςΜεταφράστε το “Floorplans – Lite” στην γλώσσα σας.
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Περιηγηθείτε στον κώδικα, ανατρέξτε στο αποθετήριο SVN ή εγγραφείτε στο αρχείο καταγραφής αλλαγών ανάπτυξης μέσω RSS .
Σύνοψη αλλαγών
1.2.4 2024-04-36
- Update – WP6.5.2 admin style adjustments
1.2.3 2024-04-03
- Update – WP6.5 admin style adjustments
- Update – added dimensions attribute to available elements
- Update – improved translation process
1.2.2 2023-12-28
- Update – prefetch assigmnent data, removed tooltips ajax call and preload option
- Update – added container data attributes scale, units
- Update – allow html tags in labels and descriptions
- Fix – sometimes no SVG media library support – added constatnt ALLOW_UNFILTERED_UPLOADS=true
- Fix – price display in admin
- Fix – several minor css updates
1.2.1 2023-11-21
- Update – added tooltips preload option
- Update – improvemed toolips size calculation
- Update – WPML incompatible with wp_set_script_translations, switch to legacy wp_localize_script
- Update – added containerfit with animation event ‘floorplans.viewportinit’
- Update – deprecated RawHTML for description container
- Fix – inconsistent zooming for content labels
- Fix – fatal error editing floorplan if user exists without lastname
- Fix – sometimes toolips failed to close
- Fix – elements in radio mode behave as proper radio buttons
- Fix – selection not visible, minimum elevation too low
1.2.0 2023-10-16
- Fix – tooltips inconsistent positioning
- Update – added setting to delay zooming of labels
- Update – added decimals setting for locale units
- Update – added willReadFrequently to 2d canvas
- Update – infobox tooltips fixed position only on touch device
- Update – minor css upgrades
- Update – several enhancements in administrator sidebar
1.1.2 2023-10-01
- Fix – grouping causes element ids to change
- Fix – undefined ‘innerBlocks’ at floorplans-guten-store.js: at domReady innerBlocks not yet available – setTimout(20) changed to setInterval + check availabilty
- Fix – setInterval at floorplans-guten.js: won’t stop if container not available – added counter increment
- Fix – cntr-select adjusted for zoomed
- Fix – native toolbarposition not behaving properly on elements
- Update – several depreciated functions adjusted
1.1.1 2023-08-14
- Update – WP6.3 admin Gutenberg CSS issues
- Fix – undefined ‘innerBlocks’ at floorplans-guten-store.js
1.1.0 2023-06-08
- Fix – floorplan_get_data returns not store_read filtered data
- Update – floorplan_get_data return array filtered and store/elemets merged
1.0.0 2022-12-04
- Update – Release