Αυτό το πρόσθετο δεν έχει δοκιμασθεί με τις 3 τελευταίες κύριες εκδόσεις του WordPress. Μπορεί να μην αναπτύσσεται ή να υποστηρίζεται άλλο και να έχει προβλήματα συμβατότητας με τις πιο πρόσφατες εκδόσεις του WordPress.

Simple voting


You can see a demo examples at Seoringer.com.

Any questions and bug reports are welcomed at seoringer@gmail.com

This plugin can understand two shortcodes:

  • [voting]
  • [voted]

Let’s look at the variants of their usage.

  1. Simplest (and most popular) using

    Just insert in your article or page this simple shortcode:


    This shortcode will be replaced with a voting form, which allow your visitors to rate current article or page.
    When one of the voting buttons pressed, this form will disappear, and current article rating will be shown instead.

    You can also use another shortcode:


    This shortcode will just show the current article rating.

    If you have administrative privileges, then, while browsing through your articles, you will see near each
    voting form the button with a title ‘You are admin. Check answers’. This button will allow
    admins to see the detailed list of all votes for this subject.

    That’s all you need to know about simplest way of using the Simple Voting plugin.

  2. Voting for arbitrary subjects

    If you want to allow your visitors to vote for an arbitrary subject, you must use more complex shortcode
    construction, like this:

    [voting] Arbitrary subject name [/voting]

    Such block of code could be placed in any article, and will rate the ‘Arbitrary subject name’.

    To show the rating of the ‘Arbitrary subject name’, use following shortcode:

    [voted] Arbitrary subject name [/voted]

  3. Voting with redirection (for experienced webmasters)

    Immediately after voting, visitor (and information about his vote) could be sent to another web page –
    just include desired URL somewhere in the subject’s name.

    Let’s imagine, that after voting, you want to send visitor to the URL http://somesite.com/somepage.php

    To do so, you must write something like this:

    [voting] Subject name http://somesite.com/somepage.php [/voting]

    Or something like this:






    Or just that:

    [voting] http://somesite.com/somepage.php [/voting]

    Note that although in all these examples I used same URL (http://somesite.com/somepage.php), they are
    DIFFERENT voting subjects, because texts inside shortcode tags are different.

    If, on some pages, you want to show just a rating of the subjects from above examples, you must use [voted] shortcode
    instead of [voting] one. Like this:

    [voted] Subject name http://somesite.com/somepage.php [/voted]






    [voted] http://somesite.com/somepage.php [/voted]

    After voting on any of these subjects, user will be sent to the given web page
    (in our examples http://somesite.com/somepage.php). To this page also will be POSTed data, containing
    following information about voting subject:

  • sv_vote: user’s vote (from 1 to 10)
  • sv_textID: unique subject identifier, which consists of three letters and numeric ID.
  • svUserName: user name
  • svUserEmail: user’s Email
  • svUserComment: user’s comment
  • sv_nonce: one time security code, generated by the function: wp_create_nonce( ‘simple-voting’ ).

4. Database tables

Simple voting plugin stores all information just in two database tables:



That’s all. Fill free to to ask any questions: seoringer@gmail.com


  • Voting form.
  • Voting result.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload simple-voting plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place [voting] shortcode in your article or page (for more details see Description)


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