Ετικέτα Πρόσθετου: photos
Photo Feed – Tookapic
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Tookapic Plugin is a widget for Tookapic Users who wants to share their photos on own WordPress blog or website.
My Pictures Widget
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)This easy to use Widget shows your Twitpic or Mobypicture pictures and is very easy to configure.
Recent Photos
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Recent Photos Plugin provides with a widget to display n numbers of recent post photos from the media library in the sidebar.
vk photo album
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Basic photo gallery that is familiar to vk.com photo albums. Plugin registers new taxonomy for albums and new post_type for photos. Design is adaptive
ByREV Gallery Pagination for WordPress
(5 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)This plugin offers the possibility of displaying a photo gallery on multiple pages / pagination gallery + Ajax, CDN, Caching, SEO
SEO Images Reloaded
(1 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)SEO Images Reloaded automatically adds alt and title attributes to all your images to increase traffic from search engines.
Reorder Gallery
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Allows you to reorder your gallery images with the ease of drag and drop. Resquires PHP5.
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Create an Image-Gallery in 5 simple Steps. Just add the shortcode to your posts.
Flickr API
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)This plugin is an amended version of flickrRSS by "eightface". As well as allowing you to integrate Flickr photos into your site, supportin …
A Page Flip Book
(8 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)NEW RELEASE : Page Flip Book for WordPress is the easiest way to manage virtual 3D books you can browse with your mouse.
Easy Albums – Buddypress users create and share images, video and audio albums – the easy way.
(4 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Let your users upload images, manage their media and post and share it on buddypress activity stream!
Jalbum Badge
(1 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Adds a Jalbum blog badge widget to display your Jalbum photo albums in your sidebar.
PhotoPress – Image Taxonomies
(3 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)This plugin extracts EXIF and XMP meta-data of uploaded images for use in populating a variety of photo specific taxonomies.
CC Flickr Widget
(6 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Flickr widget plugin. It will show your photos from flickr.
Social Hashtags
(5 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)Grabs images & videos matching any hashtag from social APIs like instagram & youtube.
Recent photos widget
(0 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)A simple widget which shows thumbnails of latest photos in posts
NextGEN Gallery Date
(1 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)This plugin will let you sort the galleries by date and get info about gallery creation (and modification) date.
Flickr API
(2 αξιολογήσεις σύνολο)A comprehensive Flickr plugin that makes it easy to show off your images in style.