A plugin to add custom post type ( Events, Courses, Classes, Excursions, Team, Testimonial, Affiliation ) and it’s required meta fields for educational sites. This plugin is dedicated for educational themes.
Frontend Submission
TP Eduacation allows you to like post from frontend and view the no of likes for that particular post.
Customization and Flexibility
TP Education plugin is highly flexible and customizable. This Plugin provides hooks that makes very easy for you to customize the output format. You just need to update design with css.
Template Overwrite
* Create a folder named "tp-education" and do all the overwrites inside the folder as instructed below.
* Archive Pages
- you can overwrite all archive pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-archive-class.php
* Search Page
- you can overwrite search page for post types available in this plugin by tp-archive-search.php
* Single Pages
- you can overwrite all single pages for post types available in this plugin. ie: tp-single-class.php
= Defaults Atts :- =
* category = ”,
* no_of_posts = 2,
* post_ids = ”, ( should be seperated by ‘,’. ie: 15, 27 )
* column = 2 ( max num value 4 )
Class shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_CLASS] OR [TP_EDUCATION_CLASS category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Event shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_EVENT] OR [TP_EDUCATION_EVENT category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Course shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_COURSE] OR [TP_EDUCATION_COURSE category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Team shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_TEAM] OR [TP_EDUCATION_TEAM category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Excursion shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_EXCURSION] OR [TP_EDUCATION_EXCURSION category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Affiliation shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_AFFILIATION] OR [TP_EDUCATION_AFFILIATION category="cat-slug" no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Testimonial shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_TESTIMONIAL] OR [TP_EDUCATION_TESTIMONIAL no_of_posts="2" post_ids="217, 115" column="2"]
Search Tabs shortcode:
[TP_EDUCATION_SEARCH_TAB]<h3>Functions to Call Meta Values</h3>
Check if the page loaded is TP Education territorial
Event Details
tp_event_date( $post_id = '' ); // Event Date
tp_event_start_time( $post_id = '' ); // Event Start Time
tp_event_end_time( $post_id = '' ); // Event End Time
tp_event_location( $post_id = '' ); // Event Location
Class Details
tp_class_cost( $post_id = '' ); // Class Cost
tp_class_period( $post_id = '' ); // Class Period
tp_class_size( $post_id = '' ); // Class Size
tp_class_age_group( $post_id = '' ); // Class Age Group
Excursion Details
tp_excursion_start_date( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Start Date
tp_excursion_end_date( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion End Date
tp_excursion_location( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Location
Team Details
tp_team_designation( $post_id = '' ); // Team Designation
tp_team_email( $post_id = '' ); // Team Email
tp_team_phone( $post_id = '' ); // Team Phone
tp_team_skype( $post_id = '' ); // Team Skype
tp_team_website( $post_id = '' ); // Team Website
tp_team_courses( $post_id = '' ); // Team Courses
tp_team_social( $post_id = '' ); // Team Social
Testimonial Details
tp_testimonial_rating( $post_id = '' ); // Testimonail Rating
tp_testimonial_designation( $post_id = '' ); // Testimonail Designation
Affiliation Details
tp_affiliation_link( $post_id = '' ); // Affiliation Link
Course Details
tp_course_type( $post_id = '' ); // Course Type
tp_course_duration( $post_id = '' ); // Course Duration
tp_course_price( $post_id = '' ); // Course Price
tp_course_students( $post_id = '' ); // Course no of Students
tp_course_language( $post_id = '' ); // Course Language
tp_course_assessment( $post_id = '' ); // Course assessment
tp_course_skills( $post_id = '' ); // Course skills
tp_course_professor( $post_id = '' ); // Course Professor
tp_course_counselors( $post_id = '' ); // Course Counselors
Get Terms with Link
tp_education_get_terms( $taxonomy = '', $post_id = '' ); // Get Terms with link
Post Like Button
tp_education_like_button( $post_id = '' ); // Like Button ( this function only returns output. )
Post Meta
tp_education_posted_on(); // Post Meta<h3>Functions to Return Meta Values</h3>
Event Details
get_tp_event_date( $post_id = '' ); // Event Date
get_tp_event_start_time( $post_id = '' ); // Event Start Time
get_tp_event_end_time( $post_id = '' ); // Event End Time
get_tp_event_location( $post_id = '' ); // Event Location
Class Details
get_tp_class_cost( $post_id = '' ); // Class Cost
get_tp_class_period( $post_id = '' ); // Class Period
get_tp_class_size( $post_id = '' ); // Class Size
get_tp_class_age_group( $post_id = '' ); // Class Age Group
Excursion Details
get_tp_excursion_start_date( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Start Date
get_tp_excursion_end_date( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion End Date
get_tp_excursion_location( $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Location
Team Details
get_tp_team_designation( $post_id = '' ); // Team Designation
get_tp_team_email( $post_id = '' ); // Team Email
get_tp_team_phone( $post_id = '' ); // Team Phone
get_tp_team_skype( $post_id = '' ); // Team Skype
get_tp_team_website( $post_id = '' ); // Team Website
Testimonial Details
get_tp_testimonial_designation( $post_id = '' ); // Testimonail Designation
Affiliation Details
get_tp_affiliation_link( $post_id = '' ); // Affiliation Link
Course Details
get_tp_course_type( $post_id = '' ); // Course Type
get_tp_course_duration( $post_id = '' ); // Course Duration
get_tp_course_price( $post_id = '' ); // Course Price
get_tp_course_students( $post_id = '' ); // Course no of Students
get_tp_course_language( $post_id = '' ); // Course Language
get_tp_course_assessment( $post_id = '' ); // Course assessment
get_tp_course_skills( $post_id = '' ); // Course skills<h3>Hooks</h3>
Event Details
do_action( 'tp_event_date_action', $post_id = '' ); // Event Date
do_action( 'tp_event_start_time_action', $post_id = '' ); // Event Start Time
do_action( 'tp_event_end_time_action', $post_id = '' ); // Event End Time
do_action( 'tp_event_location_action', $post_id = '' ); // Event Location
Class Details
do_action( 'tp_class_cost_action', $post_id = '' ); // Class Cost
do_action( 'tp_class_period_action', $post_id = '' ); // Class Period
do_action( 'tp_class_size_action', $post_id = '' ); // Class Size
do_action( 'tp_class_age_group_action', $post_id = '' ); // Class Age Group
Excursion Details
do_action( 'tp_excursion_start_date_action', $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Start Date
do_action( 'tp_excursion_end_date_action', $post_id = '' ); // Excursion End Date
do_action( 'tp_excursion_location_action', $post_id = '' ); // Excursion Location
Team Details
do_action( 'tp_team_designation_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Designation
do_action( 'tp_team_email_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Email
do_action( 'tp_team_phone_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Phone
do_action( 'tp_team_skype_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Skype
do_action( 'tp_team_website_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Website
do_action( 'tp_team_courses_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Courses
do_action( 'tp_team_social_action', $post_id = '' ); // Team Social Links
Testimonial Details
do_action( 'tp_testimonial_rating_action', $post_id = '' ); // Testimonial Rating
do_action( 'tp_testimonial_designation_action', $post_id = '' ); // Testimonial Designation
do_action( 'tp_testimonial_social_action', $post_id = '' ); // Testimonial Social Links
Course Details
do_action( 'tp_course_type_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Type
do_action( 'tp_course_duration_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Duration
do_action( 'tp_course_price_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Price
do_action( 'tp_course_students_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course no of Students
do_action( 'tp_course_language_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Language
do_action( 'tp_course_assessment_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Assessment
do_action( 'tp_course_skills_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Skills
do_action( 'tp_course_professor_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Professor
do_action( 'tp_course_counselors_action', $post_id = '' ); // Course Counselors
Affiliation Details
do_action( 'tp_affiliation_link_action', $post_id = '' ); // Affiliation Link
Meta Details
do_action( 'tp_education_posted_on_action' ); // Post Meta
Sidebar Condition Filter Hook
apply_filters( 'tp_education_is_sidebar_enable_filter', true );
add_filter( 'tp_education_is_sidebar_enable_filter', 'custom_function' ); // Use your custom sidebar enable condition function
Archive Pagination Action Hook
do_action( 'tp_education_pagination_action' );
add_action( 'tp_education_pagination_action', 'custom_function' ); //add your custom pagination function
Single Pagination Action Hook
do_action( 'tp_education_post_pagination_action' );
add_action( 'tp_education_post_pagination_action', 'custom_function' ); //add your custom post pagination function<h3>Files</h3>
Font Awesome 4.2.0 by @davegandy
License: http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)
Source: http://fontawesome.io
jQuery UI - v1.12.0
License: https://jquery.org/license/ ( Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors; Licensed MIT )
Source: http://jqueryui.com
jquery-timepicker v1.11.5 by Jon Thornton
License: https://github.com/jonthornton/jquery-timepicker MIT License © 2014
source: http://jonthornton.github.com/jquery-timepicker/
Using The WordPress Dashboard
* Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
* Search for TP Education
* Click Install Now
* Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
* Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
* Navigate to the 'Upload' area
* Select tp-education.zip from your computer
* Click 'Install Now'
* Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Using FTP
* Download tp-education.zip
* Extract the tp-education directory to your computer
* Upload the tp-education directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
* Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Setting Options
* Setting Page is located inside Default Settings Option
* Enable and Disable Post Types Options As Per Need
Permalink Setup
* Go to Settings -> Permalinks and click on "Save Changes" if your custom post type redirects you to 404 page.
Συχνές Ερωτήσεις
When viewing additional post type’s single, why does it redirect to 404( page not found ) page?
To resolve the issue, go to Dashboard -> Settings -> Permalinks and press “Save Changes”.
Συνεισφέροντες & Προγραμματιστές
“TP Education” είναι λογισμικό ανοιχτού κώδικα. Οι παρακάτω έχουν συνεισφέρει στη δημιουργία του.
ΣυντελεστέςΤο “TP Education” έχει μεταφραστεί σε 1 γλώσσα. Ευχαριστούμε τους μεταφραστές για τις συνεισφορές τους.
Μεταφράστε το “TP Education” στην γλώσσα σας.
Ενδιαφέρεστε για την ανάπτυξη;
Περιηγηθείτε στον κώδικα, ανατρέξτε στο αποθετήριο SVN ή εγγραφείτε στο αρχείο καταγραφής αλλαγών ανάπτυξης μέσω RSS .
Σύνοψη αλλαγών
4.5 April 27, 2023
- Fixed attribute escaping issue for all shortcode
4.4 March 14, 2023
- Fixed postmeta issue
4.3 August 15, 2022
- Tested up to WordPress v6.0
4.2 September 6, 2021
- Added starting date course post meta
4.1 March 3, 2021
- Tested up to WordPress v5.7
4.0 August 06, 2019
- Added function to check if the page loaded is TP Education territorial
- Added filter hook for sidebar in all page
- Added action hook for arcive pagination
- Added action hook for single pagination
- Refinement on minor issues
- Refinement on inner pages layout
3.9 June 25, 2019
- Minor translation update
3.8 May 10, 2019
- Minor update
3.7 January 22, 2019
- Minor update
3.6 January 22, 2019
- Added meta value return fuction
3.5 January 15, 2019
- Tested upto WordPress version 5.0.3
- Updated rewrite issue
3.4 July 20, 2018
- Updated classes metabox
3.3 July 18, 2018
- Updated classes metabox
3.2 March 15, 2018
- Tested upto 4.9.4
3.1 October 24, 2017
- Added Tags to all custom post types except testimonial.
3.0 October 13, 2017
- Rewrite rules and Permalink setup has been fixed
- Updated Metaboxs
- Resolved datepicker jquery issue
- FAQ added in plugin documentation
2.9 October 12, 2017
- Rewrite rules and Permalink setup has been updated
2.8 October 12, 2017
- Bug Fix: Widget register condition and Plugin widgets updated
2.7 October 10, 2017
- Bug Fix: Widget register condition
- Flush rewrite rules added only in deactivation
2.6 October 5, 2017
- Bug Fix: Listing of Professors in Course post type.
- Widgets updated
- Class attribute added to meta value labels
- Minor changes in datepicker jquery dependency
- Add datepicker dependency for custom.js
- Update info in readme.txt
- Updated Custom Css
- Updated Custom JS
- Updated Featured Course Widget
- Updated Content Single
- Updated Affiliation Widget
- Updated Team Widget
- Added Setting Links to plugin page
- Updated Screenshots
- Added Hooks
- Testimonial Rating Updated
- Testimonial Meta Fields Updated
- Template Overwrite Format Updated
- Shortcodes Updated
- Design Updated
- Added Team Widget
- Added Course Widget
- Added Affiliation Widget
- Setting Page For TP Education
- Added Options to Enable and Disable Post Types
- Added Affiliation Post Type and It’s Meta
- Updated Team Post Type Meta Fields
- Updated Course Post Type Meta Fields
- Updated Search Page
- Updated Archive Page
- Updated Template Overwrite Option
- Datepicker UI Updated in Frontend
- File Prefixing
- Search Filter Issue Updated
- Datepicker UI Images Uploaded
- Custom Js Updated
- Search Tab shortcode Added
- Custom Jquery Added
- Custom Style Updated
- Archive Page Design Updated
- Initial release.